Iran has indicted a member of its nuclear negotiating team who was arrested last year on suspicion of spying, and detained an Iranian-American on charges of defrauding people under the guise of helping them emigrate, the Iranian judiciary said on Sunday.

Several Iranian dual nationals from the United States, Britain, Austria, Canada and France have been detained in the past year and are being kept behind bars on charges including espionage and collaborating with hostile governments.

Authorities have formally charged a dual national who had been a member of the negotiating team that reached a landmark nuclear deal with world powers before being arrested last year, said judiciary spokesman Gholamhossein Mohseni Ejei, quoted by the judiciary’s website, Mizan.

Announcing the arrest in August, Mohseni Ejei said the unidentified individual was a “spy who had infiltrated the nuclear team.”


Read the whole story from Reuters.