
Protests started small outside Tehran hospital after a 22-year-old Iranian woman, Mahsa Amini, died after being detained by “morality police” who claimed Amini violated the country’s dress code for women. The protests began Friday with the Kurdish minority from the northwestern town of Saqez, but as more and more videos spread online, others took to the streets to show their disappointment and rage.

Amini’s family told reporters that Iran’s morality police arrested her on Sept. 13. They accused her of improperly wearing her hijab, then immediately took her in a van to a police station. Amini fell into a coma while being detained with other women.

Amini’s family is now accusing the police of abusing her while in custody and rushing her as they “stage her funeral in Saqez…without sharing results of an autopsy.” The Iranian police denied these allegations and said it was a heart problem that caused her death. However, Amini’s family said they have no history of heart problems.

As of writing, protests are still happening in Iran as they shout slogans against Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. Here are some of the videos caught by citizens.