An Iranian general said today that their air defenses have ‘warned off’ several foreign aircraft and drones including those from the United States. They have reportedly been testing long range S-200 surface to air missiles and even claim to have shot down a drone during live fire tests.

In the past three days of military drills, the air defense has given warnings to 12 aircraft of trans-regional countries to stay away from the country’s airspace.” Gen. Abbas Farajpour was quoted as saying by the semi-official Tasnim news agency. Tasnim, which is close to Iran’s military, said the aircraft included U.S. fighter jets and drones.

Calls to the U.S. Navy’s 5th Fleet, based in Bahrain, rang unanswered Wednesday. In recent months, the 5th Fleet has complained about interactions with Iran’s military at sea and in the air.” – AP

Photo by FARS News

Iran has started a five day ‘massive drill’ of their air defenses which includes the Iranian Army, the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps, their Navy and Air Force all participating in the exercises. Iran has publicly warned other nations to remain well clear of their airspace and territory during this operation.

Featured Image of Iranian S-200 missile launch by Amir Kholous/ISNA via AP


This article is courtesy of Fighter Sweep.