Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei lashed out on Sunday against U.S. President Donald Trump and Saudi Arabia’s leaders for their new regional alliance against Tehran, saying it would bear no fruit.

Trump singled out Iran as a key source of funding and support for militant groups during his visit to Saudi Arabia in late May, two days after the Iranian election in which pragmatist President Hassan Rouhani won a second term.

During Trump’s visit to Riyadh, the U.S. sealed a $110 billion arms deal with Saudi Arabia, Iran’s regional arch-rival.

Khamenei called the visit a display of brazenness.

“The U.S. president stands alongside the leaders of a tribal and backward system and does the sword dance, but criticizes an Iranian election with 40 million votes,” the supreme leader said in a speech broadcast live on state TV.


Read the whole story from Reuters.