America, a once great nation, is now sinking into the abyss of political infighting.

I’ve been around the world a few times and seen great leadership and bad. Hell, I’ve even seen Navy SEAL teams buckle under poor leadership and bureaucracy since leaving the Teams.

But watching the United States—once a bastion of freedom and innovation—slip deeper into a political sinkhole feels like watching Rome burn. And make no mistake: it’s our so-called leaders, our career politicians, who are holding the match.

Look around. The gridlock and backtracking of promises is staggering. From President Biden’s whiplash-inducing declarations like “I will never drop out of the presidential race!” only to pull a Houdini the next day, to the absurd political posturing on both sides of the aisle, America is being choked by dishonesty and incompetence. And we the people are left holding a burning plastic bag.

I’ve seen what real leadership looks like, in the Navy and in business.

Leadership is taking responsibility, making the hard calls, owning up to your mistakes, leading by example, and standing by your word.

It’s not too different in politics—at least it shouldn’t be. But right now, we’re being led by people who can’t see past their own self-interest because the system is rigged.

They’re not accountable to the American people—they’re accountable to the checks being cashed by lobbyists and the next news cycle.