Americans are well aware that terrorists wish harm on their country. We’ve lived through 9/11, San Bernardino, and this week’s horrid atrocity in Orlando—ugly reminders that our nationality, genders, and sexualities all make us targets.

However, it’s a completely different experience altogether to see Islamic State (IS, ISIS, or Daesh) supporters target you by name. Indeed, something new is happening: Pro-ISIS hacking groups are investing their efforts into a new style of threat, known as “kill lists,” comprised of random people’s names and information for lone wolf jihadists to attack. Notable of such releases was a recent list of 3,600 New York residents’ names and personal information, accompanied by the message:


The list included the targets’ email and street addresses, phone numbers, and neighborhoods, prompting FBI visits to presumed teachers, plumbers, mothers, fathers, tennis players, artists—people who may likely go some days forgetting that IS exists. Yet, these people are informed by the FBI that they are wanted dead by ISIS. Imagine their reaction.

Read More- Motherboard

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