Shortly before White House senior adviser Jared Kushner travelled to Israel with President Donald Trump in May 2017, one of Israel’s largest financial companies, Menora Mivtachim, dumped a $30m investment into several Maryland apartment complexes owned by Kushner’s firm, according to a report by the New York Times.

Trump’s administration has tasked Kushner with leading the peace process between Israel and the Palestinians, but the recent disclosure highlights Kushner’s deep financial ties with Israel and its institutions.

To join the White House, Kushner was required to sell parts of his business, Kushner Companies, but he still has a stake in the Baltimore apartment complexes that received Menora Mivtachim’s money, raising questions on potential conflicts of interest.

“I think it’s reasonable for people to ask whether his business interests are somehow affecting his judgment,” Matthew Sanderson, a government ethics lawyer, said to the Times.


Read the whole story from Middle East Eye.

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