With the ongoing unrest in the region, Japan has especially recognized the critical importance of bolstering its defense capabilities now more than ever.

As a maritime nation situated in the Asia-Pacific region, Japan experiences a security environment molded by territorial disputes and the imperative to safeguard its interests at sea, which is why it was a significant step for the island country to have recently closed a deal with two of its largest defense contractors for the development of anti-ship and hypersonic missiles.

Last week, Japan’s Ministry of Defense (MoD) signed contracts with Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) and Kawasaki Heavy Industries (KHI), granting these manufacturers to produce weapons capable of countering the evolving security challenges in the region.

Future Japanese Anti-Ship, Hypersonic Missiles

In a press release issued by the MoD on June 6, three contracts have been signed with MHI, focusing on hypersonic weapons research and the development of an upgraded Hyper Velocity Gliding Projectile (HVGP), as well as target observation rounds. These initiatives are part of Japan’s broader strategy to modernize its military assets and stay at the forefront of advanced defense technologies.

One of the key projects involves the development of an upgrade HVGP with an extended range compared to the early deployment type. The MoD has allocated a substantial budget of JPY200.3 billion (approximately USD1.4 billion) for this purpose.

The spokesperson for the MoD stated that the development of the upgraded HVGP is scheduled to be completed by the fiscal year 2030, subsequently enhancing the island country’s anti-ship capabilities and providing a significant deterrence against potential threats in the maritime domain.

Prompted by the ongoing war in Ukraine and the proactive pursuit and rapid advancement of neighboring Asian powers in their military arsenal, Japan responded by considering and ultimately embracing the deployment of hypersonic missiles to bolster its counterstrike capabilities—a concept that was first brought up and deliberated upon last year.

This graphic in Japanese illustrates Japan’s two upcoming hypersonic weapons: (1) the Hypersonic Cruise Missile and (2) the Hyper Velocity Gliding Projectile. (Image source: Japan’s Acquisition, Technology and Logistics Agency)

In addition to the HVGP, the MoD has allocated JPY58.5 billion for research on hypersonic weapons, a rising technology known for its ability to travel at extremely high speeds—making them difficult to intercept using conventional defense systems. Many countries have already attempted to produce this type of munition, including Russia and China, who claimed to have successfully test-fired their own, while the United States continues its pursuit of perfecting it.

Moreover, the KHI has secured approximately $243 million in contract funding to research and develop an innovative surface-to-ship missile (SSM). This upcoming cruise missile, dubbed the “Japanese Tomahawk,” will feature a compact and fuel-efficient turbofan engine as its propulsion system, along with airplane-like wings enabling horizontal flight. Anticipated to possess a close range, shape, and performance to its American counterpart, this enhanced SSM will serve as an upgrade to the existing MHI Type 12 SSM within Japan’s military arsenal. Notably, reports suggest that launching this missile from western Japan would enable it to reach critical inland bases in China.

‘Modern Problems Require Modern Solutions’

By investing in developing hypersonic missiles, Japan aims to bolster its strike capabilities and enhance its deterrence posture. Its defense ministry expects to receive the technology by fiscal 2030, emphasizing the long-term vision and commitment of the island nation’s defense establishment.

Another crucial aspect of the contracts involved the creation of target observation rounds, allocating approximately JPY22.2 billion as stated on its fiscal 2023 budgetary document. These rounds will serve a vital role in intelligence gathering, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) missions, enabling the detection, identification, and collection of information on target or enemy vessels. The MoD requires equipment capable of operating within hostile, contested environments, effectively evading and bypassing enemy air-defense networks to approach targets covertly. Moreover, the agency set a development target deadline by fiscal 2026, indicating Japan’s importance in acquiring advanced surveillance capabilities.

The island country’s pursuit of advanced defense technologies and military modernization aligns with its national security strategy and commitment to ensuring regional stability. It acknowledges its numerous security challenges, including territorial disputes with China and evolving threats in the maritime domain with North Korea’s continuous and unpredictable live-fire ballistic missile testing.

The contracts signed with MHI and KHI highlighted the role of domestic defense industries in advancing Japan’s technological capabilities, which will not only enhance the country’s defense sufficiency but also stimulate the growth of its defense industrial base.

As Japan continues to navigate a complex and rapidly changing security environment, these research and development efforts will play a pivotal role in ensuring the nation’s defense readiness and the protection of its interests. Thus, its investment in anti-ship and hypersonic missile technologies, as well as target observation rounds, signifies its commitment to maintaining robust defense capabilities and contributing to regional stability and security in the Asia-Pacific.

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