Doctors don’t care about gun fashion or caliber wars on the Internet. They deal in science. Spoiler alert: Handgun caliber is largely irrelevant

Below is a video of a doctor teaching other doctors and prehospital care providers about gunshot wounds in humans. Want to know about caliber and shot placement? Here you go. Doctors know a few things about gunshot wounds, and this guy wants to share.

Warning: Graphic human-on-human violence, blood, and gore. Potentially confusing medical terms in a foreign accent.

And in regards to the efficacy of gunshot wounds incapacitating the human body, the image below has been floating around the Internet for years. Thank you Plain Dealer Reporter for the explanation (below).


Police bullet bounces off skull of murder suspect Daniel Tice

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Michael Sangiacomo
Plain Dealer Reporter

Lakemore- Police Chief Kenneth Ray said he never would have believed it if he hadn’t seen it: A murder suspect was shot in the head by police, and the bullet bounced off the man’s skull.

That considered, 32-year-old Daniel Tice was lucky to be in a hospital room Friday. But he still must face charges stemming from a seven-hour standoff Thursday night in which his estranged wife was killed.