Lockheed Martin, a renowned leader in defense technology, is making significant strides with its innovative Remote Interceptor Guidance – 360 (RIG-360) uplinker prototype. This cutting-edge communication device is set to revolutionize the world of guided missile systems, enhancing their ability to engage moving and relocated targets.

This article delves into the key features, benefits, and implications of the RIG-360 uplinker prototype and its impact on modern military operations.

The RIG-360: Enhancing Munition Accuracy

The RIG-360 is a groundbreaking missile communication device developed by Lockheed Martin.

Its primary purpose is to provide in-flight target updates to munitions, notably the Guided Multiple Launch Rocket System (GMLRS).

This uplinker prototype marks a significant advancement in military technology, promising to improve the accuracy and effectiveness of guided missiles, thereby expanding the capabilities of the United States Army’s Joint Fires vision.