With all the Russian mania these days how many of you know what MAKS is? The International Aviation and Space Salon MAKS is one of the largest air shows in the world and is based out of the Gromov Flight Research Institute (LII) airfield which is about 25 miles south-east of Moscow.

Today, International Aviation and Space Salon MAKS holds one of the leading positions among the world’s largest aviation forums and it is well-deserved.

The main objective of MAKS is to demonstrate achievements of Russian high tech and receptiveness of the domestic Russian market to joint projects with foreign partners.

During MAKS, top Russian officials are available for business communication. MAKS offers a unique opportunity to those involved in the aviation and space industry business to get to know the opinion of decision-makers generating decisions on key issues related to the development, production and sale of aviation equipment and weapons.” – MAKS

Featured image via MAKS website

This article is courtesy of Fighter Sweep.