The Marine Corps could undergo an overhaul at all levels over the next decade to prepare for future conflicts in which information warfare will play a critical role, according to documents obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.

The documents outline two courses of action—one dubbed “evolutionary” and the other “revolutionary”—for the Marine Corps’ “Force 2025” strategy, both versions of which involve boosting what the authors call “information warfare capabilities” in the Corps’ ground, aviation, logistics, and command elements.

A roughly 300-person operational planning team developed the plans in response to a order from Gen. Robert Neller, the Marine commandant, in January.

“Maintaining the status quo is unacceptable. Failure to change the shape and form of the service will condemn it to irrelevance,” the brief reads 

Senior Marine leaders are to be briefed on the proposed courses of action. Neller is expected to attend the brief, which will take place on Tuesday, April 12.

Read More- Washington Free Beacon 

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