The war in Ukraine is intensifying. The war between Ukrainians and separatists is escalating and has been the past several months. The war in Ukraine is not a static and boring war. Avdiivka, a frontline port city, is under bombardment. The shelling of Avdiivka has become so severe that authorities are considering and preparing to evacuate civilians. Officials fear that the indirect fire is non-discriminate and will harm innocent civilians.

Avdiivka has become the hottest spot in the Ukrainian conflict. The city is now the defacto frontline of the civil war in the Donetsk. Donetsk is in the eastern part of Ukraine and straddles both the Russian border and the Black Sea. Avdiivka is approximately 700 kilometers southeast of Kiev (a 10-hour car drive), which is the Ukrainian center of gravity.

Image courtesy of Wikipedia.

The British Ambassador to Ukraine tweeted, “Deeply worried by bloodshed and humanitarian situation in . Immediate truce vital to help civilians.” Many are concerned that civilians are vulnerable to indiscriminate shelling. Ukrainian officials have challenged that Russian separatists do not observe the international rules of war in Ukraine. The latest out of Avdiivka is a total of 35 wounded, 7 Ukrainian service members killed according to Christopher Miller, a Ukraine-based correspondent.

Featured image courtesy of The Kyiv Post.