I am constantly amazed by students from military-connected families. Due to their parents’ service, school-aged children in military families move to a new state or town, on average, six to nine times—that’s three times more often than most American families. From school to school, these students must navigate inconsistent learning standards, new environments, disrupted classroom time and academic stress, all while making new friends and trying to discover their sense of self. Unfortunately, for many students, these shake-ups can have a lasting, life-altering impact that reaches through high school graduation and beyond.

Nearly two million students in the U.S. have at least one parent serving in our nation’s Active Duty, Reserve and National Guard. And yet somehow, as a nation, we are falling short of addressing the unique needs of these students.

One of the most meaningful ways we can support military families is to rally behind programs and policies that prepare military-connected kids to thrive.

Read more at Huffington Post

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