Military personnel, veterans and their families have become the focus of presidential politics in recent days, but there’s growing worry that it’s for all the wrong reasons.

“Yes, we’re talking about military families and veterans on the campaign trail, and that’s normally a great thing,” said Bill Rausch, executive director of Got Your Six, a prominent advocacy group. “But we’re not talking about anything of substance.

“If we can’t talk about veterans health and … military transition issues, then this is all a wasted opportunity.”

Instead, campaign officials and many media outlets have highlighted the latest series of military-themed scandals surrounding Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump. In recent days, the business mogul sparred publicly with the father of an Army officer killed in Iraq, saw had his Vietnam draft deferments called into question, joked about receiving a free Purple Heart from one of his supporters, and compelled the sitting president to label him “unfit” to serve as commander-in-chief.

Read More- Military Times

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