“The most important thing about being a signal leader is to make sure you know your equipment: how it works, how to maintain it, and how to use it in the field,” said Spc. Christian Flores with Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 1-2 Stryker Brigade Combat Team.

With the passion that Spc. Flores talks about his job as a signal support systems specialist, it is hard to believe that prior to the Army, he received a degree not in computer systems or information operations but in psychology. It is a “different form of communication,” as Flores said.

While he did look at behavioral health professions, he was excited to join the signal corps and take his next step in becoming a U.S. Army Soldier.

“I like the team we work for; it’s greater than ourselves,” Flores said. “ It’s good to have company when you are struggling with something work-wise or personal-wise. You can have friendship and teamwork so that you end up enjoying your job while you do it.”

Originally from Aibonito, Puerto Rico, Flores wanted a challenge in his life, a new exploration that allowed him to travel, and the Army provided that for him. It can be difficult at times since he grew up in a family that was very close, but he hopes to one day be stationed closer to family.

“I’ll always be proud of Puerto Rico. That’s something that even though we are far from the island, we treasure,” he said. “Even though I’m far away, I feel it in my heart.”

He is now looking at the next steps in his military career. Flores is ready to become a leader- to head to the promotion board and take on more responsibility. He sees himself growing and learning as he continues through the ranks and potentially transitioning to officer in the future.

“I wanted to experience the enlisted side before going officer,” Flores said. “I wanted to see what life is like and grow in leadership before transitioning.”

Whether staying enlisted or transitioning to become an officer, Flores is proud of his community in the Army and sees himself staying in for the foreseeable future.

“You have a battle buddy and brotherhood and partnership – it has a lot of titles, but it’s having someone to rely on,” Flores said. “Not many people have that outside the military.”


This piece is written by Sgt. Laurie Ellen Wash from the 1-2 SBCT, 7th Infantry Division. Want to feature your story? Send your draft here today.