KUTUPALONG MAKESHIFT CAMP, Bangladesh (Reuters) – As fellow Muslims were celebrating the end of Ramadan late in June, Noor Ankis and her neighbors buried her husband at the refugee camp in Bangladesh where he had lived for years.

Mohammed Ayub’s body – his throat slit and hands tied behind his back – had been found dumped in a desolate corner of the camp for Rohingya Muslims who have fled neighboring Myanmar.

Thirty-year-old Ayub was one of three Rohingya men whose bodies were found over the past few weeks. Aid workers and long-time residents say the incidents, along with the stabbing of a community leader, amount to the worst violence in the camps since the Rohingya began fleeing Buddhist-majority Myanmar more than a quarter of a century ago.

Refugees, whose numbers have swelled since fighting late last year in Myanmar’s Rakhine state, also report masked men roaming the dark streets of the two camps in Kutupalong at night.

Read the whole story from Reuters.

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