During twenty years in uniform, from sandblasted deserts to fire-scorched cities, I’ve learned that alliances matter. They’re the bedrock of security, the wall against the world’s wolves. But right now, NATO, the shield forged from the ashes of World War II, faces a tempest.

Former President Donald Trump’s recent vocal criticisms, fueled by concerns over spending disparities, have stirred doubt and unease among allies.

Some, like retired Lt. Gen. Ben Hodges, whisper of deeper ideological currents: an aversion to obligations, a disdain for ties that bind.

“Trump hates alliances. He hates an obligation where he’d have to live up to something,” said Hodges, who was also the former commander of US Army Europe, to The Times in a story published Monday, February 12.

Mafia type that he is, he doesn’t want anybody restricting his options. He couldn’t care less about moral obligations. He’s willing to chuck the whole thing away,” the general added. I’m just guessing here, but it does not sound like he’s a huge Trump fan.


Meanwhile, others see it as mere pragmatism, a demand for fair burden-sharing. Whatever the motive, the effect is undeniable: a fissure in the transatlantic partnership.

Europe Scrambles to Bridge the Gap

Across the Atlantic, a concerted effort backed by unprecedented financial commitments is underway to mend the fractured alliance.