On the evening of December 15, Staff Sgt. Dante Davis was stuck in traffic, while heading home to Boston, when he spotted an overturned SUV against the Interstate-93 South guardrail in Manchester.

No one had yet stopped to help. Davis immediately pulled over.

As Davis approached the car, he realized all airbags deployed.

“I couldn’t see inside the cabin,” Davis, an operations noncommissioned officer with 54th Troop Command, said. “As I got closer, I could hear a woman yelling for help.”

He forced open a door and extricated the driver. After moving them to safety, he rendered first aid for a head injury and waited until police and fire personnel arrived on scene.

While the New Hampshire Army National Guardsmen downplayed the significance of his actions, the official report says otherwise.

“At risk to his safety, in the dark and the rain, he made his way across three lanes of active traffic to check on those involved,” Lt. Michael Meehan of Manchester Fire Department stated.

When soldiers of his unit were asked if they were surprised by Davis’s heroics, the answer was a resounding “no.”

“His actions do not surprise me,” said Maj. Richard Brown, operations officer with 54th TC. “This is consistent with how conducts himself daily.”

“Davis’s heart is always in the right place,” he added. “He is one of the most morally, ethically sound NCOs I’ve had the pleasure of working with. His love for the community and our Guardsmen knows no limit.”

Davis’s other team members describe him as one of the most humble, hardworking, caring, and driven humans they have ever met.

“What most people don’t know is he’s also a combat veteran,” Capt. Robert Matzelle, training officer with 54th TC, added. “When you first walk up to him, he’s very quiet and calm. When you get to know him, you’re like ‘wow, this guy has been around the block.’”

Matzelle said the presence Davis brings to work is refreshing.

“Davis is exactly the kind of soldier anyone wants to work with and be around,” he said. “I’m proud of him.”

For Davis, his this was about helping someone and the realization that no one was stopping to assist.

“This is a human, and no one was doing anything, no one was stopping to help,” Davis said when asked why he stopped to assist. “Imagine what it would feel like to be trapped in a car, having just been in an accident. We’d all be afraid.”

Coincidentally, on the day following the accident, Davis graduated with his Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Simmons University in Boston.

“I did not do this for myself or the glorification,” said Davis. “I’m really just glad I could help someone, that’s what it’s all about for me.”

He said he’s looking forward to continuing to help those in New Hampshire, once he completes his licensing exam, by working in an Emergency Department sometime in early 2023.

“I think the world could use a little bit more humanity,” Davis added kindly. “As a New Hampshire Guardsmen, these are our people, this is our community. These are the people we swore an oath to look after and protect.”


This piece is written by Staff Sgt. Courtney Rorick from the 114th Public Affairs Detachment. Want to feature your story? Reach out to us at [email protected].