As Putin continues his onslaught on Ukraine, a small group of American veterans is out on the streets of the country rescuing orphans in besieged areas and transporting them to safety.

The children, who were forced to fend for themselves amid the harsh conditions of war, are brought from the front lines of the battle to Lviv, a far west city in Ukraine where refugees had been flooding into Poland. There, they can be screened, evaluated, and be given medical assistance if needed.

Retired Army Green Beret Jeremy Locke, along with his team, the Aerial Recovery Group, a team of US war vets, have rescued over 460 orphans since they began operations in Ukraine. The team expects to have at least another thousand orphans that still need evacuation.

“But the numbers will change depending how the war unfolds,” he said. According to Locke, rescued children range from four years old to young teens. “They’re just so young, confused, and scared. They’re too innocent, and we want to protect that innocence as much as possible.”

Locke, who has a track record of five deployments to Iraq and Syria, talked about the brutality of a war zone, let alone for a child. “I’ve been in combat five years of my life, and it is no place for a kid. It is not even a place for an adult.”

Aerial Recovery Group in Ukraine with Green Beret veteran John Locke interacting with a child (Aerial Recovery Group Instagram). Source:
Aerial Recovery Group in Ukraine with Green Beret veteran John Locke interacting with a child (Aerial Recovery Group Instagram)

According to Locke, the kids they evacuate have different physical and emotional conditions, depending on where they come from.

“One group of kids we brought out, they had been in a shelter or in a cellar for about a week, and it took us two attempts to get them. The first attempt, the shelling, was just too bad. We had to put them back in the shelter and come back 48 hours later. And in the meantime, three of their teachers were killed, so they were in pretty bad shape. They were hungry and cold and tired, and they were very quiet. They were in shock,” he explained.

Locke shared that he feels terrible when they are forced to leave kids in shelters and come back another time when it is much safer to transport them on the road.