During a recent presentation at the DEF CON hacking conference, General Paul Nakasone, former head of the National Security Agency (NSA) and US Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM), painted a bleak picture of the rapidly deteriorating global security landscape.

DEF CON, the world’s largest annual hacker convention, takes place in its familiar Las Vegas stomping ground and runs from August 8-11, 2024.

Speaking at the event, Nakasone, who witnessed a dramatic increase in critical incidents demanding presidential or defense secretary intervention during his tenure, emphasized the urgent need for a comprehensive overhaul of national security strategies. To anyone familiar with the devastation that could be wrought upon us a result of weak security, this should be keeping us up at night.

Here is why:

The former NSA chief’s concerns stem from a confluence of factors.

The cyber threat landscape, for one, is evolving at an alarming pace, with adversaries employing increasingly sophisticated tactics.

“The scope, scale, sophistication and speed of what we’re facing is tremendously different” versus five years ago, Nakasone said, quoted by Defense One.

The traditional distinction between war and cyberwar is fading, as evidenced by the use of cyber operations alongside ground forces in conflicts such as the fight against ISIS.