Throughout the course of American history, many politicians have landed memorable bonehead one-liners. Scandals, failures, straight up lies, political unrest, bi-partisan derisiveness… none of them are new, or unique to our current political setting. And none of them are free of from politicians saying something that makes you think, “Did they just say that?”

Though, perhaps thankfully, previous politicians did not have such ready access to Twitter. Pre-modern politicians had the luxury of not being so completely covered by the media — social, mainstream, or otherwise — and, as a result, many great eye-roll statements have been relegated to footnotes on Wiki pages. Along with classics like Bill Clinton’s, “I didn’t inhale,” we have George H. W. Bush’s, “Read my lips: No new taxes.” There are several memorable statements to choose from, and although Bill Clinton holds three of these top train-wreck political one-liners, he’s not nearly alone on this list. And, luckily for us, this problem isn’t limited to any one party.

Barack Obama: “I’ve now been in 57 states — I think one left to go.”

Joe Biden on Barack Obama: “I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.”

Rudy Giuliani: “We had no domestic attacks under [George W.] Bush; we’ve had one under Obama.”

Dan Quayle: “One word sums up probably the responsibility of any vice president, and that one word is ‘to be prepared.'”

Between Dan Quayle, Joe Biden, and Sarah Palin, you could almost fill a daily calendar. But those are essentially harmless comments. Thoughtless. Zero gravity pulling the integrity of the American populace down with the speaker. Not all of these slips-of-the-tongue, however, are so light-hearted.

Bill Clinton: “I did not have sexual relations with that woman.”