Everywhere in the past few weeks, we’ve been inundated with scenes of violence that have spread around the country via the media like wildfire. Protests in Charlottesville, VA, Berkeley, CA and to a lesser extent in Boston has many people lamenting “What is Wrong With Our Country?” People on the fringe of our society got more than their share of publicity recently and their message of hate has had its 15 minutes. In a melting pot such as this Republic, there always has been and always will be the haters, the losers who are bent on destroying the fabric of what has always made this country great. Perfect? No. But great nevertheless. What’s Wrong With America? Nothing. Look to Houston.

Now before everyone jumps all over this to remind me of the myriad of problems that we all still face in this country, no one is denying that or saying that because of a natural disaster that they all magically go away. Far from it, but in times like this is when the people of America put aside their petty differences and work towards lifting a hand toward those in need and giving them a hand up.

Hurricane/Tropical Storm Harvey has dropped a ridiculously, scary amount of rain in the Houston area in less than a week. Some areas are reporting up to 50 inches of rainfall. That is more than we receive here in the New England area in an entire year. To put that into perspective for the people that live in the North, if a storm like that hit say Boston or NYC in the winter time, how much snow would it cause? With an average of 10 inches of snow to an inch of rain, you’d be looking at nearly 42 feet of snow. That is the kind of devastation that the area of Texas is dealing with.

The scenes of the flooding were like a train wreck that you couldn’t take your eyes away from on the news. Areas flooded so quickly people were trapped in their homes, on the roads, and in their workplaces. Many people have died, and sadly that number will continue to rise as the rescue workers still have a very tough job to do and eventually many more unfortunate souls will be found. Perhaps the saddest was that of Houston police officer Sergeant Steve Perez, who tragically died just days short of his 61st birthday while trying to get to his duty station.

On Sunday at around 4 a.m., Sgt.Perez left his home amid torrential rains, his wife begged him not to go due to the danger. “We’ve got work to do,” he told her.  After driving for two-and-a-half hours while trying to get to his duty station in downtown Houston, Perez called his commander to say he couldn’t make it in.

Perez then followed protocol and attempted to drive to the secondary station in Houston’s Kingwood neighborhood. When the police took roll call the next morning, he wasn’t there and calling his home, his wife said she hadn’t heard from him since he left the house on Sunday. A quick search found Perez’s body where he drowned in his vehicle after trying to negotiate a flooded underpass trying to get to his duty station.

Everywhere the scenes were the same, Houston’s normally crowded thoroughfares were packed with boats, not cars as rescuers of every ilk, in every conceivable mode of boat transportation rushed in to help their neighbors. Nobody cared if the people driving the boats were black, white, brown, yellow or zebra colored. And the people in the boats were helping their neighbors and many strangers without regard to their color or creed.