Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo stated on Tuesday that the United States is deeply concerned by the reported abduction of Belarusian Coordination Council member Marya Kalesnikava, Spokesman Anton Rodnenkou, and Executive Secretary Ivan Krautsou. The three were reportedly abducted on September 7. The next day there was an attempt to forcefully exile them to Ukraine.

Michael Pompeo commended the courage of Ms. Kalesnikava and the Belarusian people in peacefully asserting their right to pick their leaders in free and fair elections in the face of unjustified violence and repression by the Belarusian authorities.

The Belarusian authorities have brazenly beat peaceful marchers in broad daylight and have detained hundreds. There are also reports of more frequent abductions.

Mike Pompeo warned on Tuesday that the U.S. is considering “additional targeted sanctions” against the regime of strongman President Alexandr Lukashenko.

“The United States is deeply concerned by the reported abduction September 7th in Belarus of Coordination Council member Marya Kalesnikava, Spokesman Anton Rodnenkou, and Executive Secretary Ivan Krautsou,” Pompeo told reporters, in the first official U.S. statement about the kidnappings.

Kalesnikava has become one of the primary figures against Lukashenko. According to several eyewitness accounts, Kalesnikava, 38, was forcibly seized by the OMON (Lukenshenko’s security police) on September 7th and placed in a van. A day later, sources said, there was an attempt to force her, Rodnenkou, and Krautsou to cross the border into Ukraine. The attempt was halted when Lukenshenko tore up her passport.

In response, Pompeo said that “in coordination with our partners and allies, [the U.S.] is considering additional targeted sanctions to promote accountability for those involved in human rights abuses and repression in Belarus.”

He also made it clear that the Belarusian authorities are responsible for ensuring “the safety of Kalesnikava and all those unjustly detained.”