A passenger said an Olympic media bus was hit by bullets on Tuesday night, shattering two windows as the bus returned from the women’s basketball venue in Deodoro. The Rio 2016 organizing committee released a statement that said the bus will be inspected by police but did not reference gunshots.

O Globo, the Rio daily newspaper, said passengers reported a noise that sounded like gunshots, but said authorities attributed the damage to rocks. The rocks cracked and shattered the windows, and a Turkish volunteer was slightly injured, O Globo reported. Reuters reported that two passengers suffered minor lacerations.

The incident took place in the neighborhood of Curicica, close to the main Olympic Park and media center. Rio 2016 officials said army and military police will be increased in the area after the incident.

Lee Michaelson, 64, of Port Hueneme, Calif., said she heard gunshots.

“Two shots,” said Michaelson, who works for HoopFeed.com. “It was very quick – pop, pop.”

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