Peruvian President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski on Friday urged Venezuela’s president Nicolas Maduro to step down, calling him a “dictator“, and rejected the socialist leader’s call for the two to meet face-to-face along with other presidents in the region.

The centrist leader said in an interview for Reuters Latin American Investment Summit that Maduro had lost any remaining credibility since forming the constituent assembly, an all-powerful body made up of Maduro’s Socialist Party loyalists.

“He’s a dictator and has carried out a coup through a fraudulent election to eliminate Congress,” Kuczynski said in the presidential palace in the historical center of Lima.

The comment marked the fiercest criticism yet that Kuczynski, an Oxford and Princeton trained economist and public administrator, has lobbed at Maduro, a former bus driver and union leader narrowly elected to replace Hugo Chavez in 2013.

Read the whole story from Reuters

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