Former CIA Director David Petraeus on Wednesday said “it’s not too late” for a safe zone or no-fly zone to stop Russian and regime bombing in Syria.

“People keep asking, ‘Is it too late?’ And the answer is no, it’s not too late,” he toldPBS host Charlie Rose.

“It’s not too late to declare a safe zone. And it’s not too late to declare a no-fly zone. And indeed if the regime air force, for example, bombs folks we’re supporting or we’re concerned about, we tell them we’re going to ground your air force,” Petraeus said.

Calls for a U.S. military option in Syria are growing, as a deal between the U.S. and Russia to implement a seven-day ceasefire and the delivery of humanitarian aid, in exchange for U.S.-Russian military cooperation in Syria, appears to be on the brink of failure.

Petraeus, former commander of U.S. Central Command, said establishing a safe zone or no-fly zone where Syrian refugees can flee is doable.

“You can do that. That is very, very straightforward. Very, very quickly. And you don’t even have to enter their airspace. You could do it with cruise missiles, air-launched, sea-launched and others,” he said.

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