Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte and US President-elect Donald Trump have been compared numerous times for their blunt styles and reputations as outsiders.

When Trump won the US election in November, Duterte heralded his victory, and Trump told Duterte that he was pursuing the Philippines’ bloody drug war “the right way,” Duterte has said.

On Wednesday, Duterte, who has become known for his rough language and colorful speaking style, debuted his impression of Trump in a profanity-laced recounting of his December 2 phone call with the US president-elect.

During a speech at a UN Convention Against Corruption conference at the Malacañan presidential palace in Manila, Duterte shared his version of their seven-minute conversation:

Duterte: “Mr. President, it’s evening here, good evening.”

Trump: “Oh, President Duterte, we should fix our bad relations. It needs a lot of … you know, you just said something good here, and you’re doing great. I know what you’re … you worry about Americans criticizing you. You’re doing good, go ahead. I had this problem in the border of Mexico and America and this goddamn s— guy …”

Duterte then spoke in Tagalog, his native language, before returning to his retelling of the conversation:

Trump: “Media? No media supported me, and I did it on my own.”