The vice-president of the Philippine resigned from a cabinet post on Monday, citing “major differences in principles and values” with President Rodrigo Duterte and an unspecified plot to remove her from the vice presidency.

Leni Robredo, a human rights lawyer and respected political newcomer, tendered her resignation as housing secretary in a letter to the president but will stay on in her elected post as vice-president.

In the Philippines, presidents and vice-presidents are elected separately and have often come from rival political parties, as is the case with Duterte and Robredo.

Her departure comes amid a political storm for Duterte over his decision to allow the burial of long-dead dictator Ferdinand Marcos in the country’s “heroes’ cemetery” and a bloody crackdown against illegal drugs that has alarmed western governments and human rights watchdogs.

Robredo cited her opposition to the burial, the drug killings, Duterte’s plan to reimpose the death penalty and “sexual attacks against women” among the issues on which she differed with Duterte, who took office in June.

The last straw, she said, was when she was notified on Saturday by cabinet secretary Leoncio Evasco Jr through a text message about the president’s order for Robredo “to desist from attending all cabinet meetings,” starting on Monday.

Read the whole story from The Guardian.