In the first installment of the new series we are reposting from Haley Strategic you saw a short video on proper grip and finger placement  on your pistol. This week Travis and Nate talk about leverage when you grip your pistol and engage targets. If you haven’t checked out the series from Haley Strategic that we previously featured about setting up your AR-15, then you are missing out on some free information that is relevant and easy to follow along with.

Many shooters may be completely oblivious to their shortcomings in the area of pistol manipulation. This series isn’t designed to trash on new shooters or people that can use some tweaking and modification to their shooting style. It is in fact the exact opposite of that, we in the shooting community want confident and accurate shooters. You never know when you will be in a position to need to someone protect or defend your life or the life of a family member. That being said we would hope a skilled shooter is in that scenario if it ever happens, and to acquire skills you need to practice. The best thing about the new series that we are covering is that these drills and manipulations can be done for absolutely FREE.

Stay tuned the coming weeks to see what else Travis, Nate and the rest of the team at Haley Strategic have in store for shooters. Some people may or may not agree with Travis’s teaching methods or his direction of the biomechanics of shooting and weapons manipulation. There is no denying that in this series they are essentially giving free lessons to us at home on our computers. That to me says a lot about his feeling on educating as many shooters as he can.

This article courtesy of Rick Dembroski of The Arms Guide.