• Trump’s trip to Asia is the longest by a US president to the region since the early 1990s.
  • Accompanying Trump is “the Beast,” the specially built limo used by the Secret Service.
  • Many details about “the Beast” are classified, but it’s hardened to resist all kinds of threats.

President Donald Trump’s trip to several East Asian countries this month is his first trip to the region as president and the longest trip a US president has taken to Asia since George H.W. Bush in 1992.

The usual presidential retinue is traveling with Trump, but he is also accompanied by the one-of-a-kind limo known as “the Beast” that protects the commander in chief from all manner of threats.

Secret Service vehicles, image courtesy of Secret Service Twitter.

“With #POTUSinAsia we couldn’t very well leave The Beast behind!” the Secret Service tweeted on Saturday morning.


Read the whole story from Business Insider.

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