I remember wearing a watch band compass during my Marine Combat Training back in the 90’s. As an infantryman it was necessary to always be aware of your location, direction of travel and reverse azimuth to find your way back. Our platoon Gunny gave us a quick down and dirty training session on using our wrist watches to determine cardinal directions in a pinch. Without practicing this method regularly it’s easy to forget how to do it. This is where a watch band compass is a nice companion to have as a backup to your primary compass.

Prometheus Design Werx | Expedition Watch Band Compass | Quick Look

The problem with many watch band compasses is the cheap plastic housing. I’ve had the housing itself crack and I’ve had the clips that secure it to the watch band break which result in a lost compass. Oh and depending on the quality of your compass it may get compromised if submerged under water. Prometheus Design Werx has designed a robust and waterproof watch band compass to outperform all other watch band compasses.

Prometheus Design Werx | Expedition Watch Band Compass | Quick Look


This article is courtesy of The Loadout Room.