Russian investigators said Thursday that they have arrested eight possible accomplices in the St. Petersburg subway attack Monday that killed 14 people and wounded dozens more, and a Russian news agency reported that the suspected bomber may have trained with the Islamic State in Syria.

The explosion in the heart of Russia’s cultural capital shocked the nation and brought outpourings of grief, followed by three days of official mourning. The first subway bombing in seven years also pierced a sense of security in Russia, and authorities moved Thursday to ease those fears.

As thousands of Russians attended carefully staged rallies in major cities across the country, state television broadcast dramatic footage of police breaking into a St. Petersburg apartment and bringing out three men in handcuffs.

The Investigative Committee, a federal authority with broad powers, said six people were detained in St. Petersburg and two in Moscow. Investigators also turned up explosives identical to those police discovered in another St. Petersburg station soon after the subway attack.


Read the whole story from The Washington Post.

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