Nine civilians, including a teenage girl, were wounded Monday, March 25, after Ukrainian air defense systems intercepted two Russian missiles over the capital, Kyiv.

Scrambling for Cover: Kyiv Under Attack

Looks like Kyiv just can’t catch a break.

Missiles rained down on the capital again Monday, but luckily, Ukraine’s air defenses played whack-a-mole with them in the sky.

Still, nine people, including a teenager, got hurt when debris rained down after the missiles were shot out of the sky.

This whole thing went down around 1030 local time (0830 GMT).

Imagine chilling at work or school, having your morning coffee, and then BAM – air raid sirens start blaring. People scrambled for cover as explosions rocked the city.

AFP reporters were on the scene and said it looked like something out of a movie, with emergency workers digging through concrete and twisted metal to clear the damage.

President Zelensky Says: “We Need Better Defenses!”

President Zelensky wasn’t having any of it.

He hopped on social media and strongly urged allies once again for more air defense systems that “provide safety for our cities and save lives. All of us who respect and protect life must put an end to this terror.

Civilian Injuries and Damaged Buildings

Speaking of saving lives, emergency services reported nine people were injured in the attack, including a pregnant woman who went into shock.

Vitali Klitschko, the mayor of Kyiv (also a former boxer), stated that the teenager was one of those who had to be taken to the hospital.

One resident named Oksana told AFP that things got real real fast. “Before I could do anything, the first explosion hit. There was a cloud of dust, smashed cars, windows, everything.

Missile Defense Does Its Job, But Not Without Consequences

Apparently, Russia launched two ballistic missiles, the kind that go super fast and high up, from that Crimean peninsula they stole a while back.

Luckily, Ukraine’s air defense folks were on the ball and blasted them both out of the sky.

Here’s the catch: even though they got blown up, chunks of the missiles fell down and messed up an art school and a gym in central Kyiv.

It’s not exactly the kind of renovations anyone was hoping for.

The Fight for More Aid: US and Ukraine in Agreement

This whole thing comes at a time when everyone’s pressuring the US Congress to get a move on and approve that $60 billion aid package for Ukraine.

US Ambassador to Ukraine, Bridget Brink, basically said, “Look, guys, Ukraine needs this help now. Not tomorrow, not next week, NOW.

Ukraine’s Foreign Minister, Dmytro Kuleba, piled on, sharing a video of scared kids running for cover during the attack.

This,” he wrote, “is a reminder that Ukraine urgently requires more air defense, particularly Patriot systems and missiles capable of repelling any Russian attack.

Drone Warfare Heats Up in Southern Ukraine

Hold on, there’s more! Things are getting heated up down south, too.

Russia launched drone strikes on Mykolaiv and Odesa, which basically means they used little remote-controlled airplanes with bombs strapped on to mess with some Ukrainian towns.

Luckily, no one seems to have gotten hurt, but parts of the Black Sea coast lost power because of the attack.

Russia Faces Its Own Problems

Meanwhile, over in Russia, things aren’t going much better for them.

A fire ripped through a big power plant in their southern Rostov region, right next to Ukraine.

It’s funny how that works, huh? Apparently, this fire happened after Ukraine sent some of its own drones over for a little “hello.”

Talk about a drone war!

The Takeaway: Kyiv Needs Help, and Fast

The bottom line? Kyiv dodged a major bullet today, but things are still tense.

Missiles are flying, drones are buzzing around, and nobody seems too happy.

One thing’s for sure: Ukraine needs some serious air defense upgrades—and fast.