US Defence Secretary Ash Carter has accused Russia of “nuclear sabre-rattling” and of being intent on eroding international order.

He said he regretted strained relations with Moscow but said the US had to “prioritize deterrence” on Nato’s eastern flank.

US-Russian ties have been strained by the Ukraine crisis and recent military encounters in the Baltic Sea.

Russia has accused NATO of threatening its national security.

Speaking during a ceremony at the US European Command Headquarters in Germany, Secretary Carter said Russia was “going backward in time”.

But Secretary Carter said: “We do not seek a cold, let alone a hot war with Russia.”


Strategic Rocket Forces (RVSN) -. Branch of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (the Armed Forces), a major component of its strategic nuclear forces (SNF) are intended for nuclear deterrence of possible aggression and destruction as part of the strategic nuclear forces, or on their own massive, group or single nuclear missile blows strategic objects in one or more strategic aerospace directions and form the basis of the military and economic potential.


“We do not seek to make Russia an enemy. But make no mistake, we will defend our allies, the rules-based international order, and the positive future it affords us.”

He added: “Moscow’s nuclear sabre-rattling raises troubling questions about Russia’s leaders’ commitment to strategic stability, their respect for norms against the use of nuclear weapons, and whether they respect the profound caution that nuclear-age leaders showed with regard to brandishing nuclear weapons.”

Secretary Carter outlined plans to deploy a third US Army combat brigade in Europe in the coming year.

He said it was part of a $3.4bn initiative to reassure Nato allies of US commitment to their security and to deter Russian aggression.

“We haven’t had to prioritize deterrence on NATO’s eastern flank for the past 25 years, but while I wish it were otherwise, now we have to,” he said.

Read More: BBC

Featured Image – The mobile missile system of a new generation “Yars” – a reliable guarantee of the peaceful life of citizens of the Russian FederationRussian Federation Ministry of Defense