Russian President Vladimir Putin reaffirmed Russia’s commitment to bolstering its military prowess during the inauguration of two new nuclear submarines in the Far North on Monday, December 11.

The ceremonial event, held in Severodvinsk on the White Sea, marked the official unveiling of the “Krasnoyarsk” and “Emperor Alexander III” submarines after a six-year construction period.

Strategic Significance of New Submarines

Addressing navy officers, Putin emphasized the significance of these submarines, highlighting their role in fortifying Russia’s national security.

“With such ships and such weapons, Russia will feel that it is safe,” Putin stated while inspecting one of the submarines in the frozen Arctic waters.

The launch of these submarines coincides with Putin’s recent announcement of his intention to run for re-election in 2024, nearly two years into the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.

The Russian President underscored the strategic importance of these naval assets, expressing confidence that they would enhance the combat readiness of the Russian navy across multiple regions.

“These submarines will strengthen the combat readiness of the Russian navy, our naval power in the Arctic, in the Middle East, in the Black and Baltic Seas, in the Caspian,” Putin remarked, signaling the broad scope of their intended deployment.

Russia’s Latest Nuclear Submarines

The Krasnoyarsk, a Yasen-class nuclear-powered cruise missile submarine, is identified as the third vessel of the project YasenM (Project 885M).

Submarines under this project have undergone considerable changes compared to the initial Yasen class.

Named after the city of Krasnoyarsk, this latest naval asset addition to the Russian Navy embodies versatility and precision in its design.

It is equipped with long-range, high-precision missiles capable of striking both maritime and terrestrial targets, symbolizing President Putin’s emphasis on augmenting Russia’s military might with adaptable and formidable weaponry, as reported by Aljazeera.

Meanwhile, the Emperor Alexander III submarine represents a pivotal addition to Russia’s modern naval fleet as part of the Borei (Arctic Wind) class, marking a significant leap forward in the country’s submarine capabilities.

This new breed of nuclear-powered submarines, armed with 16 nuclear-tipped Bulava intercontinental ballistic missiles, underscores Russia’s reinvigorated focus on bolstering its strategic defense capabilities.

The newest nuclear submarine carries the namesake of Alexander III of Russia, born Alexander Alexandrovich Romanov, the revered Emperor of Russia from 1881 until he died in 1894.

Alexander III’s reign was characterized by a conservative and autocratic approach to governance, marked by a determination to reverse some of the liberal reforms initiated by his father.

Moreover, he pursued a policy of Russification, aiming to strengthen Russian national identity by suppressing minority cultures within the empire, particularly in regions like Poland and Ukraine.

Going back, the Borei class stands as Russia’s inaugural generation of undersea vessels since the Cold War, signifying a remarkable advancement in naval technology and deterrence capabilities.

Expansion Plans and Budget Allocation

Apart from the “Krasnoyarsk” and “Emperor Alexander III,” slated to join the Pacific fleet, Russia has an ambitious plan in place, aiming to construct eight additional nuclear submarines—three Borei-class and five Yasen-class.

This move is part of a more significant strategic shift in the country’s economic focus, increasingly geared toward military production amidst the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.

Highlighting this shift, Russian lawmakers approved a substantial surge in military spending in October, slated to constitute nearly one-third of all expenditures by 2024.

This substantial allocation underscores the prioritization of military modernization and expansion in Russia’s budgetary planning.

Ongoing Commitment to Military Advancement

In line with this commitment, Putin reiterated his administration’s dedication to further augmenting Russia’s military and naval capabilities.

The inauguration of the nuclear submarines serves as a testament to Russia’s unwavering pursuit of technological advancements and reinforces its positioning in global military affairs.

As geopolitical tensions persist and conflicts endure in various regions, the unveiling of these advanced submarines underlines Russia’s determination to solidify its defense capabilities and strategic influence.

Conclusion: Redefining Strategic Influence

The event signals a critical juncture in Russia’s military modernization efforts and emphasizes its unwavering commitment to fortifying its naval might.

As these new submarines integrate into Russia’s naval fleet, they are poised to significantly augment the country’s defense capabilities and redefine its strategic influence on the global stage.

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