Navy veteran Rep. Ryan Zinke believes national defense and veterans topics are bipartisan issues — just not in this presidential campaign.

“Our troops and veterans are proud, they love our country and serve the red, white and blue, not just one party,” the Montana Republican told Military Times. “But they see how the fabric of the country is being stretched right now. … The status quo is not working, and the corruption and cronyism of [Hillary] Clinton is not going to fix that.”

Zinke, whose speech Monday closed the Republican convention’s national security program, said he’s supporting Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump not just because of criticism of Clinton’s policies and past but also because he sees the controversial businessman as a friend of the military.

The Navy SEAL-turned-congressman, who served 23 years, is part of a growing collection of Republican veterans the party will rely on past the weeklong Cleveland event to carry the message of Trump as a credible, inspiring president.


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