Six Algerian terror suspects with links to Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda can stay in Britain after winning a ten-year legal battle.

In a blow to the Home Office, the Islamist extremists – including two connected to a poison murder plot – will be freed to walk the streets of the UK after the human rights ruling.

An immigration court said there was a ‘real risk’ they would be tortured by the Algerian security services if they were deported. This would have violated Article 3 of the Human Rights Act, which guards against ‘torture or degrading or inhuman treatment’.

The ruling undermines the Home Office’s ability to boot out terror suspects to countries with dubious human rights records. It is understood Home Secretary Theresa May will not challenge the decision.

It came as ex-MI6 chief Sir John Sawers blasted judges for repeatedly putting human rights ahead of security when making rulings, especially in the European Courts.

The former spy chief spoke out after intervening in the EU referendum debate to argue that Brexit could hamper the UK’s ability to protect against terrorism by hampering intelliegence sharing.

Read More- Daily Mail

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