The Sneak and Peek kit is based on a kit we used in my old unit during reconnaissance missions or while setting a sniper hide on an urban environment. That kit also included demo cord and some other things that can’t be used by civilians, but the basic tools are all covered in this current kit.

I carry all inside a GORUCK Radio Ruck Field Pocket. The kit includes tools that would allow me to sneak into places by opening doors, cutting fences, twisting wire, etc. It also serves and an impromptu (albeit not fully stocked) SERE kit. The basic items include:

The Go Tubes contain the small gear I carry, including gear from the SERE Kit and it includes:

  • A can opener
  • 2 Handcuff Keys
  • 1 14 mm Compass
  • 1 Folding Razor Saw
  • 1 Handcuff Shim
  • 1 Cord Lock with handcuff key
  • 1 Ceramic Razor Blade
  • 1 magnetic key entry tool
  • 1 pair of SerePick Bogota “Titan” Entry Toolset
  • 1 mini pry bar
The Sneak and Peek Entry Kit
Go Tubes for Deep Concealment

Here’s the mini pry bar and the SerePick entry tools

The Sneak and Peek Entry Kit
Mini Pry Bar & SerePick Entry Tools

And some of the little pieces on the SERE Kit: A handcuff key, a shim, the compass and the folding razor saw

The Sneak and Peek Entry Kit
The SERE Kit

Overall, all these tools work together very nicely. I might add stuff from time to time based on what I need but this is the base.

This article was originally published on the Loadout Room and written by