U.S. Soldiers with the 628th Aviation Support Battalion, 28th Expeditionary Combat Aviation Brigade familiarize themselves with the new Army marksmanship test in a simulated firing range in the 28th ECAB’s area of operations in the Middle East.

These Soldiers were some of the first in the brigade to try the new test. Sgt. Austin Peters and Sgt. Steven Will reviewed shooting fundamentals and tips for the new test. (U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Zach Mateja)

Virtual ranges are just one area of new technology that the military is exploring as part of a large push to modernize. But as new advancements in the augmented reality and artificial intelligence are adding a futuristic feel to the Armed Forces, many wonder what the effect on our warfighters will be.
Learn more about the five major areas of cutting edge technology being explored by the military in our recent detailed report.