As the thundering engines of the Il-2 dominated the headlines and drew attention worldwide, another aircraft quietly etched its mark on history, albeit in the shadows. The Ilyushin Il-4, an unassuming yet formidable bomber with over 5,000 units produced, became an indispensable asset to the Soviet Air Force during the tumultuous era of the Second World War.

It is a story often lost in the annals of time, the Il-4 standing as a forgotten sentinel amidst the bluster of war. While the roar of its more renowned sibling, the Il-2, echoed through almost all corridors of wartime aviation history, the Il-4 formed the backbone of Soviet bomber wings, silently weaving its fate into the tapestry of conflict. Its name may have been shrouded in obscurity in the West, but it became an unsung hero on the Eastern Front, executing its duties with unwavering dedication. From its inception to its operational service and enduring impact, the Il-4 remains a testament to human engineering and a symbol of an era marked by technological innovation and geopolitical upheaval.

Ilyushin Il-4: A Robust, Versatile Bomber Aircraft

The Ilyushin Il-4, designed by the visionary Soviet aircraft engineer Sergei Vladimirovich Ilyushin, emerged as a steadfast response to the evolving needs of the Soviet Union’s air force capabilities. In the early 1930s, Ilyushin recognized the need for a modern, multi-role bomber to bolster—thus, from it the inception of the aircraft bomber’s sleek lines and cutting-edge design that could traverse vast distances, carrying with it the weight of both payload and fate.

First taking to the skies summer of 1935, the Il-4 – also known as the redesigned Ilyushin DB-3 – embodied the era’s commitment to pushing the boundaries of flight. Its twin-engined configuration, advanced aerodynamics, and innovative construction techniques set it apart as a formidable piece of machinery. The aircraft’s ability to carry a significant payload while maintaining impressive speed and range made it a versatile asset that would soon prove its mettle on the global stage.

(Image source: Wikimedia Commons)

It featured a 4-member crew, including pilot, co-pilot, bombardier/navigator, and rear gunner. The aircraft bomber had dimensions of 14.80 meters (48.6 ft) in length, 21.44 meters (70.3 ft) in wingspan, and 4.10 meters (13.5 ft) in height. It weighed about 6,000 kilograms (13,228 lbs) when empty and had a maximum takeoff weight of 10,000 kg (22,046 lbs). Powered by two Tumanskii M-88B radial piston engines, each with a capacity of 1,100 horsepower, the Il-4 achieved a maximum speed of 410 kilometers per hour (255 mph) and had a range of 1,616 miles (2,600 km). It could operate at a service ceiling of 10,000 meters (over 32,000 ft) and was armed with various machine guns, cannons, and bomb configurations.

Operational Service: A War Machine Unleashed

When World War II broke out in 1939, the Il-4 was almost immediately thrust into the heart of the conflict, especially playing a pivotal role in the Soviet Union’s war effort on the Eastern Front. As a long-range bomber, its tasked with a range of missions, from strategic bombing runs to reconnaissance and anti-submarine warfare. The aircraft bomber’s adaptability and robust design made it a workhorse that could weather the rigors of combat and deliver devastating blows to enemy targets.

One of Il-4’s most notable feats came during the Siege of Leningrad, where the Soviet Air Force utilized the aircraft to maintain a tenuous lifeline to the city. Despite the harsh conditions and constant threat of enemy interception, the Il-4 braved the skies to deliver vital supplies, becoming a symbol of resilience and determination in the face of adversity for the Red Army.

Yet, it was in the eastern theater of World War II that the Il-4 truly left an indelible mark. Operating in tandem with other Soviet aircraft, the Il-4 contributed to the erosion of Axis powers’ capabilities and helped pave the way for the Soviet advance. Its ability to strike deep into enemy territory and disrupt crucial supply lines made it a formidable weapon in the hands of skilled pilots and crew.

Il-4’s Impact and Enduring Legacy

The Ilyushin Il-4’s impact extended beyond its wartime exploits, leaving a lasting legacy that continues to resonate. As the war came to an end, the Il-4’s design prowess and engineering innovations served as a foundation for subsequent generations of aircraft. Its influence can be seen in the development of post-war bombers, contributing to the evolution of aerial warfare tactics and technology. Moreover, the Il-4’s endurance in the face of adversity and its role in pivotal historical moments have cemented its place in the annals of history.

A Transatlantic Comparison: Ilyushin Il-4 vs. Consolidated B-24 Liberator

In the United States, a counterpart to the Ilyushin Il-4 emerged in the form of the Consolidated B-24 Liberator. Like the Il-4, the B-24 was a versatile bomber with long-range capability, making it a key player in World War II air campaigns. While the Il-4 showcased Soviet engineering prowess, the B-24 reflected American industrial might and mass production capabilities.

Consolidated B-24 Liberator (Image source: Wikimedia Commons)

Both aircraft played significant roles in their respective theaters of operation. The Il-4’s presence was felt on the Eastern Front, supporting the Soviet Union’s push against Axis forces. On the other side of the globe, the B-24 operated in the Pacific and European theaters, conducting strategic bombing missions that targeted critical industrial and military sites.

The comparison between the Il-4 and B-24 highlights the divergent approaches of the Soviet Union and the United States in aircraft design and production. While the Il-4’s design emphasized adaptability and resilience, the B-24 showcased America’s ability to manufacture large numbers of aircraft at a rapid pace.

Preserving the Past, Inspiring the Future

Today, as aviation technology advances at an astonishing pace, the Ilyushin Il-4 remains a poignant reminder of a bygone era. Restored examples of the aircraft can be found in museums and private collections, serving as touchstones to a time when the skies were a battleground, and the Il-4 soared as a symbol of hope and determination.

In an age where supersonic jets and unmanned drones dominate the headlines, it is crucial to look back and recognize the contributions of aircraft like the Il-4. Its story serves as a reminder that innovation and progress are born from the crucible of conflict and that pursuing excellence in engineering and design can lead to remarkable achievements.


As a recap, the Ilyushin Il-4, often overshadowed, remains an emblem of courage and determination for what was once the Soviet nation. Amid Il-2’s crescendo, Il-4’s symphony tells of a steadfast era, triumphing through tribulation, a chapter eternally etched in the chronicles of aviation.