The Special Operations medics, officially known as Special Operations Medical Sergeants are an extremely valuable resource for the both the operational unit and the host nation’s military and civilian populace.

The popular depiction of a Special Operations trooper is that of a warrior diplomat. And no one epitomizes that better than the medics. In the Unconventional Warfare (UW) role, gaining the trust of the civilian populace is paramount.

The training is long and very difficult. The medic course MOS portion of the training pipeline takes about 50 weeks to complete. Medical sergeants specialize in trauma management, infectious diseases, cardiac life support and surgical procedures, with a basic understanding of veterinary and dental medicine. Both general health care and emergency health care are stressed in training.

Medical sergeants provide emergency, routine and long-term medical care for detachment members and associated allied members and host-nation personnel. They establish field medical facilities to support unconventional warfare operations, provide veterinary care, and prepare the medical portion of area studies, brief backs and operation plans and orders.

Besides attending the 250 days of advanced medical training, medics will spend two months on a trauma rotation in hospital emergency rooms. The medical-training phase includes a nationally accredited emergency medical technician paramedic program.

While medics in the conventional military are unarmed, the Special Operations medics are fully integrated members of the team and trained and carry the same weapons systems as the rest of the team. However, contrary to what the medics will tell their teammates, they’re not automatically the best shots on the team!

Besides being the best combat medics in the world, and they’re frequently as well-trained as many of the medical doctors in the Third World. Medics can set up a clinic in the middle of a village and teach the locals about taking care of common medical maladies and the prevention of diseases. They are also able to diagnose and treat many of these same diseases that wreck third world countries.

Medics frequently perform minor surgery, set broken bones, deliver babies, and help locals with pediatric care. They can perform minor dentistry are often the best source veterinarian care that the local populace will see in their lifetimes.