The man accused of fatally stabbing 19 people and injuring 20 more in a violent attack at a home for the disabled sent may have forecast the massacre in a rambling letter that was given to police in mid-February.

Satoshi Uematsu, 26, who surrendered at a local police station after Tuesday’s attack, was a former employee of the facility but had resigned earlier this year after a falling out with the management.

His behavior at the time was considered disturbing enough that that he was held for several days for a psychiatric evaluation before authorities concluded he no longer posed a risk, and released him.

After the violent attack in the city of Sagamihara — just outside Tokyo — some wondered whether authorities had failed to recognize the warning signs that the former nursing home caretaker was erratic and potentially violent. In the letter, he hinted broadly at a possible attack and said he believed that disabled people were a burden on society.

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