Russia’s Ministry of Defense has unveiled the country’s newest Arctic military base on one of the northernmost points of its remote Franz Josef Land archipelago. Moscow has invited internet users on a virtual tour around the facility known as Arkticheskiy Trilistnik or ‘Arctic Trefoil’.

Despite its college dorm aesthetics, the base can comfortably support 150 staff for up to 18 months, establishing the mold for Russia’s post-Soviet military strategy. It is the second base of its kind since Russia unveiled a similar base on Kotelny Island  in 2015; and Russia is planning four more to follow.

The new base is a refinement of the trefoil design of three hubs, connected by  an internal quad by covered lobbies, that will likely be repeated in the planned bases at Rogachevo, Cape Schmidt, Wrangel Island and Sredniy Island. All form part of Russia’s bid to strengthen its military command and communication presence across its northernmost territories.

The new base on Franz Josef’s northern Alexandra Land has limited conventional combat capabilities and is primarily focusing on radar and surveillance. But its significance, much like its shape, is three-pronged, analysts say.

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Read the whole story from Newsweek.

Featured image courtesy of Russia Beyond the Headlines.