The Czech Republic is stepping up and is set to send T-72B battle tanks to Ukraine. These are Soviet-era main battle tanks that entered production in 1969. It also has a deep history with Ukraine. The original 5TDF engines were replaced by the more modern V-45, which was produced by the Malyshev Factory in Kharkiv.

The T-72B was then produced in 1985 and has a new main gun, stabilizer, sights, and fire control capable of firing 9M1119 Svir-guided missiles. It also has armor, including 20 mm of “applique armour” in the front hull. In addition, it runs on an improved 840-hp engine.

What’s more, these will also receive a ton of upgrades after the US and Netherlands pledged to fund the refurbishment of these tanks. Both countries are sharing the $90 million cost of upgrading these tanks. The US contribution is part of the $400 million allotment to the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative (USAI) arms package announced last Friday. Pentagon Spokeswoman Sabrina Singh said this marks “the first time we are paying for these tanks to be used in Ukraine.”

The refurbishment will include new optics, up-to-date communications hardware and software, and more armor packages. However, Singh did not disclose how exactly these systems would function.

(Source: Vitaly V. Kuzmin/Wikimedia)

Singh added that the T-72s were chosen over the M-1 Abrams because they were more functional.

“Introducing a new main battle tank is extremely costly…and it would be a huge undertaking for the Ukrainian forces. So we continue to consult with our allies and partners to assess our ability on what we can provide in terms of Western armor platforms. But these tanks, we believe, will make a difference on the battlefield,” she said.

This donation would reportedly be a pinned timeline to when European countries are stepping in as they see the war escalating in the next couple of months. As for Germany, they finally succumbed to pressure and sent 30 Flakpanzer Gepart anti-aircraft tanks (though not as capable as large battle tanks) in August.

As for the US, John Kirby said the Pentagon is constantly assessing the war, looking to always be one to three steps ahead of Russia.