Over the years I’ve learned that it’s never safe to generalize too much, especially when it comes to people’s experiences. We’re all so different that no two people ever really see things or feel them in exactly the same way. But when it comes to the feelings of a military spouse, I think I’m on pretty firm grounds when I say that we all share a certain sense of pride, patriotism, and sacrifice when we send our loved one off on a dangerous deployment.

And of course, we worry.

I vividly remember the first time my husband Chris went to war. It was in 2002, right before the beginning of the Iraq conflict. As I said in my book, “American Wife”:

When it came time for Chris to leave, we drove his Yukon down to the base. Chris was excited to go to war – he’d spent years training for it, after all. He was somber and serious, but also looking forward to it.

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