Aspiring to be a service member and fighting for your beloved country is one thing. That, in itself, is a commendable, noble pursuit and deserves the utmost respect. 

But it’s another thing to aspire to be a Navy SEAL. The decision entails bringing your entire being down to depths it’s never been in before. It’s pushing yourself beyond the limits and whatever exists in that realm. 

SEAL candidates in the water

So while you think about those aspirations to become a Navy SEAL, ask yourself one hard, soul-searching question: do you have what it takes? Are you cut out to be one of the elite? 

If you’re fumbling for answers, this article should give you an idea of what to expect. And all of this is just the tip of the iceberg. 

Navy Special Warfare Preparatory School

The grind begins at the Naval Special Warfare Preparatory School. It’s in Great Lakes, Illinois.

SEAL hopefuls have a two-month stint there, kicked off by an initial Physical Screening Test. The idea is to get them pumped and ready for the grind they’re about to face in the Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL (BUD/S) program.

After two months of serious sweat and strain, they wrap it up with a beefed-up version of the Physical Screening Test (PST). This is different from your usual fitness test, though.