A member of the Texas National Guard assigned to the US-Mexico border was accidentally shot and killed by a fellow soldier on Monday during a non-mission-related incident. The soldier, who the Texas Military Department has not named, was part of Operation Lone Star and is the second soldier to die within the operation when another soldier had accidentally shot himself last January.

Members of the Texas Army National Guard Troops assembled at the Texas Capitol Building in Austin, 2020 (The Dallas Morning News via AP). Source: https://www.dallasnews.com/news/texas/2022/02/07/texas-army-national-guard-soldier-assigned-to-border-operation-killed-in-gun-related-accident/
Members of the Texas Army National Guard Troops assembled at the Texas Capitol Building in Austin, 2020 (The Dallas Morning News via AP/Jay Janner).

Documents obtained by the Army Times showed that the Texan Guardsman and a fellow soldier were parked at Fort Clark Springs in Brackettville, Texas, as they were undergoing swimming training. He handed his gun to his fellow soldier from the front seat of the car when it fired when the second soldier was taking the handgun from him, shooting the soldier through the seat into his fellow soldier’s back. He was pronounced dead despite medics trying to resuscitate the Texan soldier and later sending him to a trauma center in San Antonio.

Governor Abbott expressed his sympathy for the soldier who was shot in a statement. He also deemed it necessary to have an investigation about the shooting to prevent any similar accidents from happening again.

“Our hearts are heavy at the news of the tragic death of a Texas Guardsman stationed at the border as part of Operation Lone Star. We grieve for the soldier who died and lift their family and loved ones up in prayer,” said Abbott.

“The Texas Rangers will conduct a thorough investigation into this tragedy, and the Texas Military Department is taking action to ensure such loss of life never happens again,” he continued.

What Is Operation Lone Star?

Operation Lone Star is a mission launched by Governor Greg Abbott last March 2021 in response to the increase in illegal immigration and illegal drug trafficking along the southern border between Texas and Mexico. According to the US Customs and Border Protection, it had reported around 1.6 million encounters with migrants that were trying to cross the border in 2021, the highest in recorded history. 27% of these encounters were repeat crossers who had failed to cross the border illegally. If we combine this number with the Office of Field Operations (OFO) encounters, the number would be as high as 2 million.

Mexicans topped the statistics, comprising over 608,037 encounters or 37%. In contrast, the remaining 63% came from Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador, which also recorded an all-time high in terms of recorded encounters from the Northern Triangle countries.

With the Texas Department of Public Safety and the Texas National Guard teaming up under the operation, it has over 10,000 military personnel under the program’s command with the aim of reducing illegal immigration along the border.