The American political landscape constantly evolves, with citizens actively engaging in the democratic process to elect their leaders. As the 2024 presidential election approaches, it is crucial to assess the potential candidates and evaluate their suitability for the role. This essay aims to critically analyze why Joe Biden should not be reelected as President in 2024, considering his policies, leadership style, and the challenges faced during his current tenure.

Policy Concerns:

One of the primary reasons Joe Biden should not be elected President in 2024 is concerns regarding his policy decisions. For instance, the withdrawal from Afghanistan exhibited flawed execution and a lack of contingency planning, leading to a chaotic and harmful situation for American citizens and Afghan allies.

Moreover, Biden’s handling of the border crisis has raised concerns about immigration policy. The surge of undocumented migrants at the southern border has strained resources and overwhelmed border patrol agents. By reversing several policies implemented during the previous administration, Biden’s approach has incentivized illegal immigration, potentially compromising national security and public safety.

Leadership Style and Competence:

Another area of concern is Joe Biden’s leadership style and competence, which has been called into question during his presidency. Throughout his tenure, Biden has exhibited moments of confusion, miscommunication, and verbal slip-ups. These instances have raised concerns about his cognitive abilities and ability to lead the nation effectively. A strong leader should inspire confidence, provide clear and consistent messaging, and instill a sense of unity among citizens. Unfortunately, Biden’s leadership style has not consistently met these expectations.

Furthermore, Biden’s ability to build consensus and work across the aisle has been underwhelming. Promising to be a president for all Americans, he has struggled to find common ground, leading to a polarized political environment. This inability to foster bipartisan cooperation diminishes the potential for meaningful legislative achievements and impedes progress on critical national issues.

Challenges Faced During His Tenure:

The challenges faced during Biden’s tenure further compound the argument against his reelection in 2024. The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has been a significant test for any leader, and while progress has been made in combating the virus, challenges remain. The administration has faced criticism for its handling of vaccine distribution, COVID policies in the military, and messaging inconsistencies, thereby undermining public trust and exacerbating uncertainty.

Biden’s Foreign Policy Blunders:

President Joe Biden‘s foreign policy decisions have been closely scrutinized since he took office. From his approach to China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran, critics argue that Biden has made significant mistakes that could have long-lasting consequences. This essay analyzes some of these blunders and their potential implications for U.S. national interests and global stability.

Biden and China:

One of the critical missteps in Biden’s approach to China has been the failure to adopt a comprehensive strategy to counter China’s growing influence. While the Biden administration has identified China as a strategic competitor, its response has been largely reactive rather than proactive. By not taking a firm stance on issues such as trade imbalances, intellectual property theft, and human rights abuses, Biden’s administration missed an opportunity to address these concerns and protect American interests effectively.

Biden and Russia:

Biden’s response to Russia’s aggressive actions, such as the invasion of Ukraine, cyberattacks, and election interference, has been seen as weak and lacking conviction. While the administration has imposed some sanctions, they have not been strong enough to deter future Russian aggression. By failing to take a stronger stance, Biden’s administration risks emboldening Russia and undermining the credibility of U.S. deterrence, potentially leading to further destabilization in the region.

Biden and North Korea:

Biden’s approach to North Korea has been marked by a return to diplomatic engagement and a focus on multilateral cooperation. However, this approach has not yielded any significant progress towards denuclearization. By offering concessions without receiving tangible commitments from North Korea, Biden’s administration risks legitimizing its nuclear program and undermining the security of the United States and its allies in the region.

Biden and Iran:

One of the most significant mistakes made by Biden’s administration was the decision to reenter the flawed Iran nuclear deal, known as the JCPOA. By rejoining the agreement without addressing its flaws or negotiating a more comprehensive and enforceable agreement, Biden has effectively given Iran a pathway to nuclear weapons. This move not only undermines regional security but also sends a message to other rogue states that the United States is willing to compromise on critical security issues. Biden’s weak leadership has led to Iran increasing support to Hamas, leading to the attack on Israel and growing destabilizing for the region.

President Biden’s foreign policy blunders with China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran have raised concerns about the effectiveness and long-term implications of his approach. By failing to adopt a comprehensive strategy to counter China’s influence, not taking a firmer stance against Russian aggression, offering concessions to North Korea without receiving tangible commitments, and reentering a flawed nuclear deal with Iran, Biden’s administration risks undermining U.S. national interests and global stability. These blunders have weakened American credibility, emboldened adversaries, and jeopardized the security of the United States and its allies.

Biden’s Failure as Commander-in-Chief: 

Numerous challenges and controversies have marked Joe Biden’s presidency, and his handling of national security and foreign policy issues has been scrutinized. As the commander-in-chief, Biden’s failures in leadership and decision-making have had far-reaching consequences, raising concerns about his ability to protect American interests and maintain global stability effectively.

One of the most glaring failures of Biden’s administration has been the mishandling of border security. Since assuming office, the United States has witnessed a significant surge in illegal immigration. Biden’s decision to reverse many of the strict immigration policies implemented by his predecessor has created an environment that encourages unlawful border crossings, leading to a humanitarian crisis. The lack of control over the border not only compromises national security but also puts a strain on resources and impacts local communities.

Perhaps the most significant failure of Biden’s presidency was the chaotic withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan. The hasty and poorly executed withdrawal resulted in the Taliban swiftly taking over the country, leaving Afghan civilians vulnerable and the gains made over the past two decades in jeopardy. The disastrous handling of the withdrawal showcased a lack of strategic planning, intelligence, and coordination, ultimately tarnishing America’s reputation and leaving a power vacuum that terrorist organizations could potentially exploit.

Biden’s approach to dealing with China has been inconsistent and, at times, naïve. While acknowledging China as a strategic competitor, his administration has failed to adopt a robust and coherent strategy to counter China’s growing influence. From trade disputes to human rights abuses, Biden has struggled to present a unified front against China, undermining America’s ability to protect its economic and security interests. Additionally, his administration’s decision to rejoin the Paris Climate Agreement without securing meaningful commitments from China raises doubts about his ability to address critical global challenges effectively.

Biden’s leadership style has been criticized for lacking decisiveness and clarity. From the early days of his presidency, he has often appeared indecisive and uncertain, leading to mixed messaging and confusion among allies and adversaries. This lack of solid leadership has hindered the ability to handle crises effectively and has eroded confidence in America’s capabilities as a global power.

Joe Biden’s tenure as commander-in-chief has been marked by significant failures, particularly in border security, Afghanistan withdrawal, and China policy. The mishandling of these critical issues has raised doubts about his ability to protect American interests and maintain global stability effectively. The inadequate border security measures have led to a humanitarian crisis and compromised national security. The chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan has not only jeopardized the gains made over the past two decades but also tarnished America’s reputation. The inconsistent approach towards China has undermined America’s ability to counter its growing influence. Moreover, Biden’s lack of solid leadership and indecisiveness have further eroded confidence in his ability to handle crises effectively.

To restore trust and confidence, Biden must demonstrate strong leadership, make informed and strategic decisions, and prioritize the security and well-being of the American people. He must reassess and reform his approach to border security, ensuring the protection of American citizens while maintaining a fair and orderly immigration system. Moreover, he must work towards a comprehensive and well-executed foreign policy strategy, particularly in dealing with China, to protect American interests and promote global stability.

Biden’s Failure to Hold Senior Civilian and Military Leadership Accountable.

One of the most glaring examples of Biden’s poor choices in senior military leadership is his failure to take action against General Mark Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Milley’s actions during the final months of the Trump administration have raised serious concerns about his judgment and adherence to his constitutional responsibilities.

In the aftermath of the January 6th Capitol riot, reports emerged that Milley had engaged in unauthorized communications with his Chinese counterpart, General Li Zuocheng, in an apparent attempt to prevent any potential military action by the United States. These actions were not only an egregious breach of protocol but also a direct violation of the chain of command and civilian control of the military.

Despite the seriousness of these allegations, Biden has failed to hold Milley accountable for his actions. This sends a troubling message that senior military leaders can act with impunity and disregard the constitutional principles that underpin our democracy. It also raises questions about Biden’s judgment and commitment to upholding the rule of law.

Furthermore, Milley’s involvement in the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan raises additional concerns about his fitness for his position. Reports suggest that Milley was a vocal advocate for the hasty withdrawal, ultimately leading to the chaotic and deadly situation we witnessed in August 2021. His failure to provide sound military advice and his apparent lack of strategic thinking further highlight his poor judgment and inability to lead the armed forces effectively.

Biden’s decision to retain Milley as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff despite these severe shortcomings undermines the credibility and effectiveness of the military leadership. It sends a message that there are no consequences for actions that undermine the integrity of the military and erode public trust. This lack of accountability not only damages the reputation of the military but also weakens the overall effectiveness of our national security apparatus.

In conclusion, Biden’s poor choices in senior civilian and military leadership have seriously affected our national security and our standing in the world. From Lloyd Austin’s questionable appointment as Secretary of Defense to Kamala Harris’s lack of foreign policy experience, these choices have raised legitimate concerns about the administration’s judgment and ability to lead effectively. However, Biden’s failure to take action against General Milley, despite his apparent violations of protocol and breach of trust, is perhaps the most troubling example of his poor decision-making. It is imperative that the President reevaluates his choices and prioritizes individuals with the necessary qualifications, judgment, and commitment to upholding the principles that underpin our democracy.

Biden’s Failed Economic and Energy Policies:

Since taking office in January 2021, President Joe Biden has implemented economic and energy policies that have proven detrimental to the American people and the nation’s overall welfare. From stifling economic growth to exacerbating the energy crisis, Biden’s policies have failed to deliver his promises during his campaign, leaving Americans worse off than before.

One of the most glaring failures of Biden’s economic policies is his mishandling of the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent lockdowns. While it is true that the pandemic presented significant challenges to the economy, Biden’s approach to controlling the virus has been overly cautious and lacking in effective strategies. His decision to extend lockdown measures without a clear plan for reopening has resulted in record-high unemployment rates and the closure of numerous small businesses across the country.

Furthermore, Biden’s proposed tax hikes on corporations and high-income earners have had a detrimental impact on job creation and economic growth. By increasing the corporate tax rate from 21% to 28%, Biden has discouraged businesses from investing and expanding their operations, ultimately reducing job opportunities for American workers. Additionally, his plan to raise the top individual tax rate to 39.6% discourages entrepreneurial endeavors and stifles innovation, hindering economic progress.

Another area in which Biden’s policies have failed is energy. Despite promising to prioritize clean energy and combat climate change, his decisions have resulted in an energy crisis that affects both American consumers and the economy as a whole. Biden’s cancellation of the Keystone XL pipeline, for instance, has not only cost thousands of jobs but has also increased dependence on foreign oil and raised fuel prices for American consumers. Additionally, his decision to halt new oil and gas leases on federal lands has further limited domestic energy production, leading to increased reliance on foreign sources.

Furthermore, Biden’s emphasis on transitioning to renewable energy sources has proven unrealistic and economically unfeasible. While renewable energy holds promise for the future, it is not yet capable of meeting the nation’s energy demands. By neglecting the importance of traditional energy sources such as natural gas and coal, Biden has put the stability of the energy grid at risk, as demonstrated by the recent blackouts in Texas. This lack of a reliable energy infrastructure not only leads to higher energy costs for consumers but also threatens the livelihoods of those employed in the energy sector.

In addition to the economic and energy failures, Biden’s policies have also contributed to rising inflation rates. His excessive government spending, coupled with the Federal Reserve’s accommodative monetary policies, have led to a surge in inflation, eroding the purchasing power of American households and posing a threat to long-term economic stability. As prices of goods and services continue to rise, everyday necessities become more unaffordable for the average American, further exacerbating many’s economic hardships.

Biden’s economic and energy policies have been a clear failure, failing to deliver on his promises of revitalizing the economy and addressing the energy crisis. Instead, his policies have hampered economic growth, led to job losses, increased energy costs, and contributed to rising inflation rates. The American people deserve better leadership and policies that prioritize their well-being and the prosperity of the nation. We must demand a change in course to ensure a stronger, more prosperous future for all Americans.

Donald C. Bolduc