World War II, not surprisingly, ushered in a significant development in the field of military weaponry. The Maschinenpistole 40, commonly known as the MP40, was first put into service in 1939 and stood out as a revolutionary submachine gun that dramatically changed warfare. This weapon, born of necessity, not only made a lasting impact on the history of firearms but also showcased the innovation possible in the darkest times of conflict. The MP40’s introduction to the battlefield represented a significant shift in how wars were fought, highlighting the role of ingenuity in overcoming the challenges of war.

Indeed, the MP40 has resculpted submachine gun design and manufacturing. This German submachine gun’s pioneering features, including its distinctive folding stock and revolutionary use of lightweight materials, brought in a new era in small arms engineering, influencing numerous future firearms.

MP40: Revolutionary Design and Materials

Before the MP40, submachine guns were burdened by their reliance on heavy and costly milled-steel components, often complemented by unwieldy wooden stocks reminiscent of contemporary carbines. This German submachine gun, however, stood out by using economical and lightweight materials such as aluminum, plastic, and sheet metal stampings. This revolutionary approach not only reduced manufacturing costs but also enhanced the firearm’s maneuverability and portability, making it an ideal choice for close-quarters combat.

MP40, 1943 manufacturing, extended stock. (Image source: Wikimedia Commons)

The Trench Broom

To fully appreciate the significance of the MP40, let’s trace its roots back to World War I. The German army, faced with the challenges of trench warfare, recognized the urgent need for a compact, rapid-firing firearm that could effectively clear trenches and fortifications. The concept of a “trench broom” was born, and German engineers started on a journey to create a weapon that would forever change the course of firearms history.

Drawing from the experiences of trench raiders who improvised with modified Artillery Lugers and makeshift shoulder stocks, the German army began experimenting with submachine gun designs. These early efforts laid the groundwork for subsequent innovations, eventually leading to the creation of the MP38 (in 1938), the direct predecessor to the iconic MP40.

The MP40, shown with the stock folded. (Image source: Wikimedia Commons)

Pioneering Features

The legacy of the MP40 is more than just its innovative use of available materials; it paved the way for generations of firearms to come. It cleverly integrated lightweight aluminum, resilient plastics, and precision-engineered sheet-metal stampings in an era dominated by the traditional tandem of steel and wood. This unconventional fusion of materials broke new ground and allowed firearms designers more freedom to be creative with their designs.

(Image source: Wikimedia Commons)

One of its most striking innovations was its folding stock. This pivotal design element allowed soldiers adaptability within confined spaces while ensuring unwavering accuracy and control when extended. Its battlefield efficiency swiftly set a precedent for the development of future firearms.

Global Impact and Lasting Legacy

The impact of the MP40 extended far beyond the borders of wartime Europe. Its revolutionary design principles found a receptive audience among arms manufacturers worldwide, sparking a wave of innovation in submachine gun production. Nations that sought to equip their armed forces with reliable, lightweight, and cost-effective firearms looked to the MP40 as a model to emulate. Look at, for example, Belgium’s Vigneron submachine gun.

In the years following World War II, various nations drew inspiration from the MP40’s groundbreaking features. Folding stocks became a staple in small arms design, offering enhanced maneuverability and adaptability in diverse combat scenarios. Additionally, the utilization of a diverse range of materials became a hallmark of post-war firearms development, as manufacturers sought to strike a balance between strength, weight, and cost-efficiency.


In the end, the MP40 submachine gun revolutionized firearms design with its innovative features, influencing future generations of weapon development.